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Check out our top recommendations

From $676,049
4 Br | 3 Ba | 2 Gr | 2,685 sq ft
3542 Coneflower Trail. Venus, TX 76084
Grand Homes

From $556,530
5 Br | 4 Ba | 2 Gr | 2,851 sq ft
7310 Mistflower Meadow. Venus, TX 76084
Grand Homes

From $728,923
5 Br | 4 Ba | 2 Gr | 3,398 sq ft
3534 Coneflower Trail. Venus, TX 76084
Grand Homes

From $668,298
5 Br | 4 Ba | 2 Gr | 3,130 sq ft
3537 Beepalm Ave. Venus, TX 76084
Grand Homes

From $729,728
4 Br | 3 Ba | 2 Gr | 3,629 sq ft
3538 Coneflower Trail. Venus, TX 76084
Grand Homes

From $866,325
5 Br | 4 Ba | 2 Gr | 4,038 sq ft
7138 Prairieside Trail. Venus, TX 76084
Grand Homes

From $374,990
4 Br | 2.5 Ba | 2 Gr | 2,369 sq ft
127 Patrick Henry Drive. Venus, TX 76084
Brightland Homes