Del Webb Reviews in Washington, VA
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What Washington Homeowners Have to Say About Del Webb.
Read all 274 verified reviews from homeowners that built a new home with Del Webb in the Washington area. Washington homeowners have rated Del Webb an average 4 stars for the quality of their new homes and their commitment to customer service. You can read all of Del Webb's reviews, to learn why their homeowners loved working with them, and why you should partner with them build your dream home.
Del Webb in Washington Area
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Customer Reviews
For the price of this home the craftsmanship, especially with the cabinets and painting, was substandard. In talking with my neighbors it seems like there was no oversight going on when these houses were being built - tile issues, roof issues, gas meter
- Susan P.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- February 29, 2024
- Sterling, VA
For the price of this home the quality was substandard. We upgraded everything and have issues, in particular, with the cabinetry - so many scratches and inferior painting, and the interior paint job was terrible. Our construction manager even told us that if we tried to wipe away anything the paint would come off. In speaking with neighbors again tile, roof, and gas meter problems. We asked consistently for the price of the "standard" furnishings, like flooring, carpet, cabinets, etc., to be shown on our upgrade sheet and it never was. Therefore, we consider that we paid way over ...
Del Webb responded:
We are so sorry to hear that you are unhappy with the quality of your new home and are experiencing concerns since moving in. We would be happy to escalate these concerns for you. Please email customersupport@pultegroup.com with a brief summary of the issues along with your address and contact information. Thank you. ^AF ...
Total Score 2
Quality 2
Trustworthiness 2
Value 3
Responsiveness 1
poor workmanship here n there . no drawers in any bathroom cabinets , an awful disservice ! we lived in condo which had many drawers in the bathrooms .
- Chang Kon J.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- July 26, 2023
- Haymarket, VA
The rooms are so small as well
Del Webb responded:
We're sorry to hear that your unsatisfied with your home and we encourage you to reach out to us at customersupport@pultegroup.com if you'd like to discuss this further. Thank you. ^AF
Total Score 2
Quality 1
Trustworthiness 2
Value 1
Responsiveness 4
Salesperson was not aware when the lot we wanted went on the market. Still attempting to have issues resolved
- Anonymous
- Verified HomeBuyer
- June 29, 2023
- Sterling, VA
Make sure everything is to your liking by the time you move in. one grows old and cold quickly after they have your money
Del Webb responded:
We're disappointed to hear this, but we thank you for your feedback as it is invaluable in helping us improve the home buying experience for our customers. Please send us an email with your address and contact information along with your concerns to customersupport@pultegroup.com. We would be happy to escalate these concerns for you. ^AF ...
Total Score 2
Quality 3
Trustworthiness 2
Value 1
Responsiveness 2
I paid for and expected all aspects of my brand new house to be in brand new perfect condition. That is not been my experinece to date. I have had multiple issues, and had to take a number of days of work to address problems. Some issues still remain.
- Barbara S.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- January 16, 2023
- Sterling, VA
Be sure to take a long time to inspect every detail of every aspect of the home.
Del Webb responded:
Hi Barbara, we're so sorry you had this experience and we'd like to learn more about what happened. Please email us at customersupport@pultegroup.com with a brief summary of your concerns, along with your contact information. ^TP
Total Score 2
Quality 2
Trustworthiness 2
Value 2
Responsiveness 2
- Anonymous
- Verified HomeBuyer
- November 03, 2022
- Sterling, VA
The initial experience of selecting a lot and house options was good and efficient. The Building process was average, and communication was good. The final inspection and closing process was not good and we felt rushed and pressured to sign off that everything was complete (less than 2 hours). We all know there are always errors/fixes after closing, but the Pulte philosophy is once closing happens don't bother us until month 11 of the first year, not acceptable. The post closing process with Pulte is terrible and response has been slow to non-existent for broken light fixtures, weather ...
Del Webb responded:
We were so disheartened to read your review as this is certainly not the experience, we want you to have. We'd really like an opportunity to discuss this feedback with you and try to make things right. Please email us at customersupport@pultegroup.com with a brief description of your concerns and your address. ...
Total Score 2
Quality 3
Trustworthiness 1
Value 3
Responsiveness 1
poor workmanship
- Robert M.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- April 06, 2022
- Haymarket, VA
the workmanship has declined over time trying to get people in ASAP. the workers don't seem to care about doing the job right they just want to do it fast. I think the builder is wasting too much money redoing jobs that should have been done right in the first place. It causes money being lost and bad PR. I'm willing to talk further about this with anyone
Del Webb responded:
We are so sorry to hear that you are unhappy with the quality of your new home and are experiencing concerns since moving in. We would be happy to escalate these concerns for you if you could please email customersupport@pultegroup.com with a brief summary of the issues along with your address and contact information. Thank you. ^AH ...
Total Score 2
Quality 2
Trustworthiness 2
Value 2
Responsiveness 2
Del Webb - - Quality and value of new home -- sloppy paint job, poor workmanship,
- Anonymous
- Verified HomeBuyer
- October 12, 2021
- Haymarket, VA
- Quality and value of new home -- sloppy paint job, poor workmanship, ingenuine, defective and/or substandard products - Poor quality control by Quality/Safety manager - Inspection: Demand more time, Don't be rushed. Hire professionals for detail inspection - pre-drywall and final.
Del Webb responded:
We were so disheartened to read your review as this is certainly not the experience, we want you to have. We'd really like an opportunity to discuss this feedback with you and try to make things right. Please email us at customersupport@pultegroup.com. Thanks ^AH
Total Score 2
Quality 2
Trustworthiness 2
Value 2
Responsiveness 2
Poorer quality building materials
- Anonymous
- Verified HomeBuyer
- July 28, 2021
- Fredericksburg, VA
Check on building process during building
Del Webb responded:
We are disappointed to hear that you are unhappy with the quality of your home. If there is any additional feedback you would like to share or anything we can help with, please feel free to email customersupport@pultegroup.com and make sure to include your address and contact information. Thank you. ^AH ...
Total Score 2
Quality 2
Trustworthiness 3
Value 2
Responsiveness 1
Lack of communication
- John S.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- November 03, 2020
- Fredericksburg, VA
Finish work is substandard. Materials are also poor quality, examples are the light bulbs that failed on day 1.
Del Webb responded:
We are so disappointed to hear that you did not experience excellent communication while working with our team and are unhappy with the quality of your new home. We would like to learn more so we can address the situation accordingly and would appreciate if you could email customersupport@pultegroup.com with a brief summary of your concerns along with your address and contact information. Thank you. ^AS ...
Total Score 2
Quality 3
Trustworthiness 1
Value 3
Responsiveness 1
Architectural and Construction
- Mike W.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- September 26, 2024
- Sterling, VA
Whomever did the detailed architectural layout/planning of the home’s infrastructure (water, power, lighting, etc…) failed! The master shower, and kitchen water are so far from the water heater we have to waste 2-3 gallons of water before it begins to warm up. The light switch placements are not consistent from room to room. What is the overhead light in one room is switched in the next. The bed-side switch for the master bedroom switched light is so far from the edge of a king bed that you have to be out of bed to use it. The towel racks in the master bathroom are as far from the shower ...
Del Webb responded:
Hi Mike, we're disappointed to hear this, but we thank you for your feedback as it is invaluable in helping us improve the home buying experience for our customers. If you have additional thoughts you'd like to share, we're always listening at customersupport@pultegroup.com. ^TP
Total Score 2
Quality 2
Trustworthiness 1
Value 2
Responsiveness 2
Quality of the outdoor water drainage in the areas around my new home.
- Chanita P.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- August 31, 2023
- Sterling, VA
Date: 31 August 2023. Subject: Quality of the outdoor water drainage in the areas around my new home. I am writing to make the community managment aware of my deep concerns regarding the possibility of damage to my new home by large amounts of outside water from heavy rain or snow which might flood my home's foundation and/or basement due to poorly designed drainage of the community land surrounding my home. Please examine the photos I send with this query. I do not claim to be a civil engineer but it appears little thought has been given to how my home might be affected if ...
Del Webb responded:
Thank you for taking the time to share this feedback with us so we can escalate it to leadership. We would like to look into this situation as well and would appreciate if you could please email customersupport@pultegroup.com with a brief summary of your concerns along with your address and contact information. Thank you again. ^AF ...
Total Score 2
Quality 2
Trustworthiness 2
Value 2
Responsiveness 1
Be vigilant
- Anonymous
- Verified HomeBuyer
- January 20, 2023
- Haymarket, VA
Overall the house is fine, but I paid for grand. The quality of workmanship is disappointing. It’s all subcontractors who don’t care. Literally watched a painter walk across my new floors with a wet paintbrush hanging down by his side. If the simple things had been done well, I’d be happy.
Del Webb responded:
We are so sorry to hear that you are unhappy with the quality of your new home and are experiencing concerns since moving in. We would be happy to escalate these concerns for you if you could please email customersupport@pultegroup.com with a brief summary of the issues along with your address and contact information. Thank you. ^TP ...
Total Score 2
Quality 2
Trustworthiness 2
Value 2
Responsiveness 1
Never judge book by cover
- Anonymous
- Verified HomeBuyer
- January 12, 2023
- Haymarket, VA
Poor workmanship, cheap materials, paint on walls is micro thin, poor communication, many excuses for late finish, poor quality carpet and flooring. Overall very disappointed in the building experience. Woukd not recommend Del Webb.
Del Webb responded:
We're so sorry that your experience left you feeling disappointed in us and we appreciate you bringing attention to the areas we can improve. Please feel free to reach out to us at customersupport@pultegroup.com if you'd like to share any additional comments or concerns. ^TP
Total Score 2
Quality 3
Trustworthiness 2
Value 1
Responsiveness 1
Del Webb - There are major issues with this house, including poor workmanship
- Anonymous
- Verified HomeBuyer
- March 15, 2022
- Haymarket, VA
There are major issues with this house, including poor workmanship and missing hardware. When I report these things to customer service, either I’m told to be patient or am totally ignored. It feels like Pulte is trying to run out the clock of the one year warranty. It also seems now that they have my money, they’re walking away and leaving me with a house that wasn’t built well.
Del Webb responded:
We're so sorry you had this experience and we'd like to learn more about what happened. Please email us at customersupport@pultegroup.com.
Total Score 2
Quality 2
Trustworthiness 2
Value 2
Responsiveness 1
- Hector M.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- May 31, 2019
- Fredericksburg, VA
Building materials are the bare minimum quality.. I was told that the only thing they cared was going to be that the house was going to be built under "Code" expectations. We did not know that so called builders code meant poor quality materials. The house insulation is HORRIBLE! The house options are extremely high for the poor quality product.
Del Webb responded:
We're so sorry to hear you're disappointed, as it is our goal to deliver an excellent home and home buying experience. If you'd like to discuss this further, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at socialcare@pultegroup.com. --Sarah
Total Score 2
Quality 1
Trustworthiness 2
Value 2
Responsiveness 2
VERY EXPENSIVE - not a lot of choices when choosing options/styles
- Anonymous
- Verified HomeBuyer
- November 18, 2022
- Haymarket, VA
Too expensive - not honest about lot availability and who actually gets to make offer on home/lot location. did not end up with my ideal lot or home style
Total Score 2
Quality 2
Trustworthiness 1
Value 1
Responsiveness 2
Poor craftsmanship and materials.
- Anonymous
- Verified HomeBuyer
- November 01, 2021
- Fredericksburg, VA
Not happy after one month here. Short list of problems: Furnace does not work, may have serious problems. Bathroom door splitting. Bathroom door does not latch. Front door and shutters sloppily painted, streaky, red paint slopped onto gray siding. Only one coat of paint on front door. Toilet water closet molding broken and chunk missing. Two walls with curved section. Deck door and wall not plumb. Oil stain on deck planks.
Del Webb responded:
We are so sorry to hear that you are unhappy with the quality of your new home and are experiencing concerns since moving in. We would be happy to escalate these concerns for you if you could please email customersupport@pultegroup.com with a brief summary of the issues along with your address and contact information. Thank you. ^AH ...
Total Score 2
Quality 2
Trustworthiness 2
Value 1
Responsiveness 1
After settlement do not expect help with problems.
- Robert F.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- May 20, 2019
- Germantown, MD
There is a form that they have you sign saying the home is perfect before settlement. When you move in you see problems and there is no interest in dealing with them. The basement had mud and dirt and on the floor and it took repeated efforts to get them to do anything about it. The basement wall is leaking water and there has been no response in the 3 weeks after being told about it. There was a lack of oversight of the subcontractors and sub par workmanship considering the price paid for the house. The 1 tree is dead and some of the bushes are near dead in the 7 weeks since settlement ...
Del Webb responded:
Thank you for bringing these issues to our attention. We'd like to learn more about your experience so that we can assist with any unresolved issues. Please email us at socialcare@pultegroup.com. --Sarah
Total Score 2
Quality 2
Trustworthiness 1
Value 2
Responsiveness 1
Very bad craftsmanship
- Anonymous
- Verified HomeBuyer
- February 02, 2023
- Sterling, VA
Unfortunately our dream retirement home became a nightmare. Of course they are real pleasant during the shopping and initial signing phases. However once you sign it goes down hill. The craftsmanship is VERY poor and it’s nearly impossible to get items repaired or replaced. IF you desire to buy from DelWebb I recommend you use a agent (it does not cost you anything) to have someone on your side of the table before and during closing and you must get a good home inspector. Many of us did not because they are brand new homes…BUT don’t learn the hard way. Many folks in the Montebello ...
Del Webb responded:
We're sorry we haven't lived up to our goal of delivering an excellent home buying experience for you, but we're very appreciative that you took the time to leave this feedback as it is invaluable in helping us improve. If there is anything else you'd like to share with us, or any issues we can help address, we're always reachable at customersupport@pultegroup.com. ^TP ...
Total Score 2
Quality 1
Trustworthiness 1
Value 1
Responsiveness 1
The poor quality of workmanship and the lack of professional pride in the work performed
- Michael D.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- January 12, 2022
- Fredericksburg, VA
We paid close to $500K for this home. We purchased higher grade cabinets only to find them installed with damages. We have holes and damaged sheetrock masked by molding. We have been in the house less that 2 months. Already we have stress cracks in our walls; tile is cracking in the master bath; and caulking is pulling away in the shower. There is excess paint and caulking on almost every trim around doors and windows. Doors and trim were painted without first removing dust. Trim, in some cases, is not square with the walls and there are gouges in much of the trim. Outside siding was ...
Del Webb responded:
We are so sorry to hear that you are unhappy with the quality of your new home and are experiencing concerns since moving in. We would be happy to escalate these concerns for you if you could please email customersupport@pultegroup.com with a brief summary of the issues along with your address and contact information. Thank you. ^AH ...
Total Score 1
Quality 1
Trustworthiness 2
Value 1
Responsiveness 1
Poor quality overall
- Srinivasa M.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- August 03, 2024
- Sterling, VA
Poor quality with everything is my opinion
Del Webb responded:
Hi Srinivasa, we are so sorry to hear that you are unhappy with the quality of your new home. If we can assist with anything, or if you'd like to provide additional feedback, please email us at customersupport@pultegroup.com. ^TP
Total Score 1
Quality 1
Trustworthiness 1
Value 1
Responsiveness 1
Get you to settlement
- Gary M.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- November 10, 2022
- Haymarket, VA
They like to fix things after they get there money. Very bad workmen ship. People just don’t care about quality work anymore.
Del Webb responded:
We are so sorry to hear that you are unhappy with the quality of your new home and are experiencing concerns since moving in. We would be happy to escalate these concerns for you if you could please email customersupport@pultegroup.com with a brief summary of the issues along with your address and contact information. Thank you. ...
Total Score 1
Quality 1
Trustworthiness 1
Value 1
Responsiveness 1
Del Webb - Regret to buy this house.
- Anonymous
- Verified HomeBuyer
- August 31, 2022
- Haymarket, VA
Regret to buy this house. Terrible workmanship and follow up customer service.
Del Webb responded:
We are so sorry to hear that you are unhappy with the quality of your new home and are experiencing concerns since moving in. We would be happy to escalate these concerns for you if you could please email customersupport@pultegroup.com with a brief summary of the issues along with your address and contact information. Thank you. ^AH ...
Total Score 1
Quality 1
Trustworthiness 1
Value 1
Responsiveness 1
Production build - no more
- Ingrid B.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- August 12, 2020
- Fredericksburg, VA
I was told from day one that this was a production build and that Pulte would not make accommodations for individual buyers. That was absolutely the case, without exception. I have never worked with such an unyielding builder. The quality of the workmanship is subpar and the field manager was unwilling to fix the problems. I have had the opportunity to speak with many neighbors now and they have all had the same experience.
Del Webb responded:
We are disheartened to hear that you are not pleased with the quality of your home and have been unsuccessful in getting your issues addressed but we thank you for taking the time to leave feedback. If there is anything we can assist with or any additional information you would like to provide, please feel free to email customersupport@pultegroup.com. ^AS ...
Total Score 1
Quality 1
Trustworthiness 1
Value 1
Responsiveness 1
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