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Desert Wind Homes

About Desert Wind Homes

At Desert Wind, we want you to live your best life. We believe the place you call home is where you will get the inspiration to do that. On whatever scale, whether it’s your city or your house, we are building to inspire you to live your best. We want to meet you where you are in life, designing spaces for living, spaces that allow you to connect with the people you love and be part of the community you live. We thoughtfully design every project to function the way you do, the way it makes sense, to inspire you to really live because we believe everyone deserves to live their best. What living your best means to us: It means we put family first and we choose to be present for life’s moments, however big or small. We take care of ourselves so we can care for others. We live generously, not to check it off a list, but because we believe it matters. We see life as a classroom and we are always learning something new because, whether it’s an instrument or a degree, breaking out of routine is what life is about.

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