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- K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons
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- Charleston, SC

K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons Reviews in Charleston, SC
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What Charleston Homeowners Have to Say About K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons.
Read all 90 verified reviews from homeowners that built a new home with K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons in the Charleston area. Charleston homeowners have rated K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons an average 3.7 stars for the quality of their new homes and their commitment to customer service. You can read all of K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons's reviews, to learn why their homeowners loved working with them, and why you should partner with them build your dream home.
K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons in Charleston Area
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Customer Reviews
- Michael N.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- July 05, 2024
- Summerville, SC
Everything was moving along nicely and any issues were dealt with quickly and to our satisfaction. THEN, we closed and paid KHov. After that we were pretty much on our own. Items that were told to us after closing; Khov will deliver a new air filter after 30 days in the house. Never happened Khov will do a 45 day walk through to address any issues. Never happened. Showed the ceiling joints were cracking in great room area, Khov will get someone to fix the joints. Never happened. Irrigation did not cover entire yard. Area was 24 feet wide, Khov installed 15 foot fan head. That left 9 feet ...
K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons responded:
Hi Michael, we've sent your message to local management and a member of our team will be reaching out and we will try our best to turn you experience around. Thank you for taking the time to address your concerns and we look forward to working with you! ...
Total Score 2
Quality 3
Trustworthiness 1
Value 3
Responsiveness 1
Buyers beware of quality of homes
- Stephen B.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- January 17, 2023
- Summerville, SC
The workmanship of the various trades is horrible. Talking with other new residents not a single one has had a good experience with the quality of the home. The only good thing is the neighborhood seems to be very friendly.
K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons responded:
Hi Stephen, thank you for taking the time to leave a review. We've seen your message and will pass it along to local management for further review.
Total Score 2
Quality 2
Trustworthiness 2
Value 1
Responsiveness 3
Poor Workmanship
- Joan G.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- June 28, 2022
- Summerville, SC
We like the floor plan of the house very much. We like the flooring very much. I requested an optional window in the bathroom that the salesperson failed to include and charge us for. Even though the sales person took full responsibility in stating their error we were told there was nothing they could do about it since the prints had already been approved by the county without the window. The Front door frame had a crack in it from where the door latches down to the floor. We were told the frame would be replaced but it was not. The crack kept getting Filled in with several coats of paint to ...
K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons responded:
Hi Joan, thank you for sharing your detailed list with us. We have forwarded your comments on to our local management team for their review.
Total Score 2
Quality 2
Trustworthiness 2
Value 2
Responsiveness 2
Will not us this builder again
- Douglas G.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- April 11, 2022
- Summerville, SC
Many discrepancies found during pre-close walk still undone on closing day. Overall detail workmanship shows lack of attention to detail.
K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons responded:
Hi Douglas, thank you for your feedback. We will share your comments with local management.
Total Score 2
Quality 2
Trustworthiness 2
Value 2
Responsiveness 2
Spec home experience
- Anonymous
- Verified HomeBuyer
- January 04, 2025
- Summerville, SC
We were dissatisfied. Workmanship not great. Paint over sand dust, terrrible caulking, siding reversed, trim work fair. Not willing to change any item if a spec home. They have this attitude - any issue must be seen beyond 6ft from every angle in order to be considered for repair. Problems are passed along.
K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons responded:
Hi, thank you for providing us with your feedback about your experience. We've sent your review to local management and were made aware that a member of our team has had a few conversations with you. Our team was able to make the necessary repairs to the issues requested in a timely manner. Your home was completed at the contract stage and were not able to make any changes to the home. We will continue to service your home as efficiently as possible if any other concerns are raised. Thank you again and we hope you have a great day. ...
Total Score 2
Quality 1
Trustworthiness 2
Value 2
Responsiveness 2
Not at all happy with quality of construction. Very low Quality materials used to build an expensive house. I HAVE HUNDREDS OF PICTURES TO SHOW THE POOR QUALITY OF WORK.
- John K.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- June 03, 2024
- Summerville, SC
To Quick Did not notice Sorry Review above.
K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons responded:
Hi John, thank you for taking the time to leave a review. We were made aware that a member of our team has reached out to you and had one open service request during that time. We hope that our associates were able to assist you with your concerns. Thank you again for the feedback and we hope you have a great day! ...
Total Score 2
Quality 1
Trustworthiness 1
Value 2
Responsiveness 2
Expectation Management
- Anonymous
- Verified HomeBuyer
- February 02, 2023
- Summerville, SC
We came several times before purchasing and were very excited to relocate. Sales staff was very good. Design person was excellent. Builder not so much. It took 3 months after closing to get brick on front porch...Still not done. Even though houses yet to close getting done. A lot of excuses. No quality control. The folks that live here that we have met are great, so just know that there are frustrations with the building and it hasn't just been with us. Standard has dropped.
K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons responded:
Hi, thank you for taking the time to leave a review. We've seen your message and will pass it along to local management for further review.
Total Score 2
Quality 1
Trustworthiness 2
Value 2
Responsiveness 1
number 7
- Anonymous
- Verified HomeBuyer
- June 27, 2023
- Summerville, SC
I've had seven homes built in the pas 35 years This is by far the worst. The quality is the worst of the worst
K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons responded:
Hi, thank you for taking the time to leave a review. We're sorry to hear that you are disappointed with your recent home building experience. We are aware that our associates have been in contact with you and have completed all of your request and we are aware of your most recent service request. We will provide an update when we receive more information. Thanks again and have a great day! ...
Total Score 2
Quality 1
Trustworthiness 1
Value 1
Responsiveness 2
I have no idea why I'm receiving another survey from KH. I filled out a written review and I received a phone call asking me the same questions. Maybe that's KH's biggest problem. One hand doesn't know what the other hand is doing.
- Stephen R.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- December 26, 2023
- Summerville, SC
I've had to use a contractor to correct the shoddy work that went into the building of this house. My question is: Who is paying off the inspectors to pass the "pop and slop" that goes into the construction of these homes.
K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons responded:
Hi Stephen, we've received your review and have sent it to local management. A member of our team will be looking into your situation and will try to address any other concerns you may have. I will provide an update if any more information is relayed to me, but we want to thank you for your review and we hope you have a great week. ...
Total Score 2
Quality 1
Trustworthiness 1
Value 1
Responsiveness 1
- Trustee P.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- October 10, 2024
- Summerville, SC
Love the community and home choices but workmanship is sub-par and responsiveness is the worst. Emails go unanswered and 50% of tradespeople don’t show up when scheduled and we often spend many days at home waiting for them to show. Private companies are the best with honoring appointments but KHov tradesmen are abysmal at keeping appointments. Warranty repair personnel do not get back to you often for days or weeks. We still havre about 5 items that have not been completely addressed since we closed in early July. Very disappointing. We expected better from KHov.
K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons responded:
Hi David, we're happy to hear that you love the community and home! We've read your review and are aware of your concerns. There were a number of service request completed throughout your time in your home and we've reached out to senior management and they are making sure that the last few service items are completed efficiently. We do apologize if there were any issues during this time as we try our best to make sure the home is in the best condition as possible. We really appreciate your patience, and we look forward solving the issue. ...
Total Score 1
Quality 1
Trustworthiness 2
Value 2
Responsiveness 1
Very unhappy with workmanship and installaton
- Kenneth R.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- October 30, 2023
- Summerville, SC
We have nothing but problems since we moved in July, can't believe the poor workmanship and installation for the price paid for this house.
K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons responded:
Hi Kenneth, thank you for the review. We'd love to hear any concerns you're having in-depth. Feel free to send us a message at onlinereviews@khov.com. Thank you, and we're looking forward to hearing from you.
Total Score 1
Quality 1
Trustworthiness 1
Value 1
Responsiveness 1
KHov should be ashamed of the quality of this home we purchased
- Michelle C.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- October 11, 2022
- Summerville, SC
Our home was not complete on the day we closed. A couple of examples include the microwave was crushed and did not work. There was no glass installed for the shower, the toilet in the master bath was completely cracked and half the vanities in both bathrooms had rust stains on them that were not able to come out. The painting was atrocious every room everywhere needs to be repainted. the trim had huge gouges out of it. This house was not ready for closing since we moved in. It is constant repair and warranty work. This has not been a pleasant experience and has taken the joy out of purchasing ...
K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons responded:
Hi Michelle, thank you for taking the time to leave a review. We've seen your message and will pass it along to local management for further review.
Total Score 1
Quality 1
Trustworthiness 1
Value 1
Responsiveness 1
K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons - This house has so many issues I don’t know where to start.
- Rita V.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- August 05, 2022
- Summerville, SC
This house has so many issues I don’t know where to start. Shoddy construction, trash, glass and nails left in garage. Openings in house where frogs enter. Workers not showing up, some reek of pot — no wonder! Paint splatters all over, damaged cabinets, damaged faucets, two cars do not fit in garage, never told that when choosing house model. I have deep regrets and am profoundly disappointed.
K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons responded:
Hi Rita, we're sorry to hear that your experience was less then stellar. We will pass along your comments to local management for further review
Total Score 1
Quality 1
Trustworthiness 1
Value 1
Responsiveness 1
Sloppy workmanship. Lack of attention to detail
- Thomas R.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- May 03, 2022
- Summerville, SC
First and foremost, we love the area and the development. The workmanship that went into the building of our home is subpar at best. We spent another $4,500 to have the home painted prior to moving in; due to the poor paint job done by the builder. We are still removing paint from the floor from overspray and drips. Uneven wall fixtures and lights in the bathrooms. I am not even getting into the siding that I discussed with the builder numerous times. Only to be told, that's just the way it is (paraphrase). Overall very disappointed in the house and what we have to do to bring ...
K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons responded:
Hi Thomas, thank you for sharing your comments with us. We are sorry you're disappointed with your home. We will share your feedback with our local management team for their review.
Total Score 1
Quality 1
Trustworthiness 1
Value 1
Responsiveness 1
Not a pleasant experience ... very frustrating and disappointing
- Thomas H.
- Verified HomeBuyer
- July 08, 2021
- Summerville, SC
We have built 2 new homes prior to this experience, this was the worst experience we've had. This builder is focused on their financials rather than the customer and building a quality home and a trusting relationship with the customer. Even with Covid-19 excuses, we had to close without the home being completed. Sales: There were items not disclosed that should have been. We ordered and paid for a 9 foot sliding glass door upgrade that was represented in a model with 2 moving door panels and 1 stationary panel. We received a 9 foot door with 1 moving panel that open 26 inches and 2 ...
K. Hovnanian's® Four Seasons responded:
Thank you Thomas for providing feedback on your experience, we are very sorry to hear that you are frustrated and disappointed. I will be sending your comment to the appropriate local representatives for review.
Total Score 1
Quality 1
Trustworthiness 1
Value 1
Responsiveness 1
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