Mesa del Sol - M5
Coming SoonCustom Homes by Abrazo Homes

Last updated 18 hours ago
$454,950 - $519,950
What does this Price Range mean?The Price Range displayed reflects the base price of the homes built in this community.
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Discover Mesa del Sol, a vibrant, master-planned community in SE Albuquerque that offers a mix of convenience and excitement. Located near the I-25 corridor, it provides easy access to downtown Albuquerque, the airport, and nearby cities like Los Lunas and Santa Fe. This community is not only strategically located but also a hub of entertainment with Netflix Studios, a modern soccer complex, and an amphitheater for music and events. Beyond entertainment, Mesa del Sol promotes relaxation with extensive walking trails, multiple dog parks, and swimming pools. The new "M-5" phase by Abrazo Homes introduces unique, beer-named floor plans, ensuring a fit for every lifestyle. Experience the lifestyle at Mesa del Sol, where every day brings a new adventure.
Community location & sales center
2006 De Kooning Ave SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106
2006 De Kooning Ave SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106
TEMPORARY SALES CENTER - MESA DEL SOLWhile we anxiously await the completion of our beautiful new model home, we have a sales trailer set up directly
Mesa del Sol - M5
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