Adelante at Sierra Vista
CloseoutCustom Homes by Abrazo Homes

Last updated 18 hours ago
$317,820 - $339,900
What does this Price Range mean?The Price Range displayed reflects the base price of the homes built in this community.
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Welcome to Adelante at Sierra VistaNestled within the master-planned community of Sierra Vista, this limited offering provides affordability without compromising value. This hidden gem won't stay a secret for long so be sure to explore all that this beautiful location has to offer. Located in the fast-developing west side of Los Lunas, off of Highway 6 near El Cerro de Los Lunas, Adelante at Sierra Vista provides the convenience of proximity to Facebook, the Walmart Distribution Center, and many other amenities. This community offers a variety of styles of homes giving it a very dynamic feel. As the Village of Los Lunas continues to grow, this hidden gem will shine even more.
Community location & sales center
330 Michael Ave SW
Los Lunas, NM 87031
330 Michael Ave SW
Los Lunas, NM 87031
Model Home located at: 311 Michael Ave SW Los Lunas, NM 87031Due to a delay in community street signs, please use the following turn-by-turn directions to visit our model home!
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Adelante at Sierra Vista
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