Last updated 1 day ago
$983,990 - $1,627,045
What does this Price Range mean?The Price Range displayed reflects the base price of the homes built in this community.
You get to select from the many different types of homes built by this Builder and personalize your New Home with options and upgrades.

Available homes

From $1,551,331
4 Br | 4.5 Ba | 4 Gr | 3,740 sq ft
4630 Blushing Dawn Avenue (Royalty II)

From $1,506,665
5 Br | 4.5 Ba | 3 Gr | 4,807 sq ft
7199 Twilight Rider Court (Kitchell)
Community map for Daylight

Browse this interactive map to see this community's available lots.
Conveniently located in the southwest valley, Daylight offers new home construction in Las Vegas featuring elegant one- and two-story home designs and oversized homesites. Flexible floor plans let you build your Las Vegas new construction home with gourmet kitchens, luxurious owner's suites, and a selection of options like RV garages to personalize your new home. Enjoy modern living at Daylight.
Community location & sales center
7258 Twilight Rider Court
Las Vegas, NV 89118
7258 Twilight Rider Court
Las Vegas, NV 89118
From Harry Reid International Airport: Merge onto I-215 W via the ramp to Las Vegas; Take exit 11 toward Las Vegas Blvd; Merge onto Hidden Well Rd; Turn left onto Las Vegas Blvd S; Turn right onto W Warm Springs Rd; Turn right onto Schirlls St; Sales Office will be on the left
Schools near Daylight
- Clark Co SD
Actual schools may vary. Contact the builder for more information.
Community & neighborhood
Community services & perks
- HOA Fees: Unknown, please contact the builder
Neighborhood amenities
Grocery Outlet
1.24 miles away
3890 Blue Diamond Rd
Whole Foods Market
1.40 miles away
6689 Las Vegas Blvd S
Liquor Hot Spot
1.53 miles away
7620 Las Vegas Blvd S
1.63 miles away
4800 Blue Diamond Rd
1.91 miles away
8180 Las Vegas Blvd S
US Jaclean
0.98 mile away
8050 Arville St
Sin City Cupcakes
1.27 miles away
6380 S Valley View Blvd
1.30 miles away
4150 Blue Diamond Rd
Einstein Bros Bagels
1.32 miles away
3837 Blue Diamond Rd
Crust and Roux-Gourmet Pizza, Pot Pies and Dessert Pies
1.51 miles away
6825 Las Vegas Blvd S
PT's Gold
0.64 mile away
4935 W Warm Springs Rd
PT's Gold
0.77 mile away
3835 W Martin Ave
Hottcakez of Las Vegas
0.81 mile away
4465 Wagon Trail Ave
Branching Out
0.81 mile away
4475 Wagon Trail Ave
Thomas Enterprises Management
0.81 mile away
4475 Wagon Trail Ave
Scooter's Coffeehouse
1.01 miles away
6585 S Decatur Blvd
1.04 miles away
6570 S Decatur Blvd
Sunrise Donuts
1.08 miles away
6530 S Decatur Blvd
1.21 miles away
4100 Blue Diamond Rd
Tipsy Coffee
1.27 miles away
6380 S Valley View Blvd
Sock Me
0.82 mile away
4149 Wagon Trail Ave
Fresh Tops
0.84 mile away
7140 Dean Martin Dr
Bribor LLC
0.84 mile away
4495 Wagon Trail Ave
USA Dawgs Inc
0.94 mile away
4120 W Windmill Ln
0.97 mile away
3755 W Sunset Rd
PT's Gold
0.64 mile away
4935 W Warm Springs Rd
PT's Gold
0.77 mile away
3835 W Martin Ave
The Rusty Spur Saloon
1.08 miles away
8025 Dean Martin Dr
Wiskey Bar + Grill
1.10 miles away
5560 W Warm Springs Rd
Home Plate Grill & Bar, Inc
1.22 miles away
2460 W Warm Springs Rd
Please note this information may vary. If you come across anything inaccurate, please contact us.
At Pulte Homes, we continually talk with prospective homeowners about how they live and allow those ideas to inspire us to design and build homes tailored to the way you live your life. It means smarter living space and rooms you’ll use all the time – not just once a year. We also believe that a better way to build a home is to build it together. Our rigorous construction methods are designed to ensure that your home will be built right. And it’s all backed by the Pulte Homes Protection Plan— a warranty that is among the best in the industry. Pulte Homes is a national brand of PulteGroup, Inc. (NYSE: PHM).
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