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- Builder Reviews
Real reviews from real homebuyers.
Pacific Communities
"Our home is great Manny and his staff are great so happy with our purchase they made us ...more "

Pulte Homes
"Spoke several times with the construction manager, Preston to fix a few minor issues. He ...more "

The Orchards Group
"Wonderful to know that any concerns or issues that you may have are immediately addressed ...more "

Village Builders
"The whole process went very satisfactory The representative helping me buy the house ...more "

"From my first conversation with Jan, our sales associate she was very helpful, pleasant, ...more "
Additional Builder Reviews

TH Properties
"The workmanship is great. They build beautiful homes and the sale price is better than ...more "
Markets with Reviews
- Akron, OH (167)
- Albuquerque, NM (353)
- Allentown-Bethlehem, PA (10)
- Ann Arbor, MI (173)
- Athens, GA (95)
- Atlanta, GA (1856)
- Austin, TX (2950)
- Bakersfield, CA (96)
- Baltimore, MD (506)
- Benton Harbor, MI (15)
- Bergen County, NJ (72)
- Boise, ID (137)
- Boston, MA (289)
- Boulder-Longmont, CO (90)
- Brazoria, TX (29)
- Bremerton, WA (92)
- Broward County-Ft. Lauderdale, FL (303)
- Charleston, SC (1277)
- Charlotte, NC (1234)
- Charlottesville, VA (22)
- Chicago, IL (940)
- Cincinnati, OH (175)
- Cleveland, OH (607)
- Colorado Springs, CO (60)
- Columbia, SC (31)
- Columbus, OH (598)
- Corpus Christi, TX (16)
- Corvallis, OR (10)
- Dallas, TX (5532)
- Daytona Beach, FL (168)
- Denver, CO (1324)
- Detroit, MI (559)
- Dover, DE (89)
- Eastern Shore, MD (137)
- Essex County, NJ (52)
- Flint, MI (11)
- Fort Collins-Loveland, CO (89)
- Fort Myers, FL (1156)
- Fort Worth, TX (1163)
- Fresno, CA (490)
- Gary, IN (111)
- Grand Rapids, MI (69)
- Greeley, CO (57)
- Greensboro-Winston-Salem-High Point, NC (36)
- Greenville-Spartanburg, SC (112)
- Hickory, NC (35)
- Hilton Head, SC (604)
- Houston, TX (5640)
- Hudson County, NJ (15)
- Hunterdon County, NJ (61)
- Huntsville, AL (92)
- Indian River County, FL (183)
- Indianapolis, IN (1722)
- Jacksonville-St. Augustine, FL (1536)
- Kalamazoo-Battle Creek, MI (27)
- Killeen, TX (28)
- Lakeland-Winter Haven, FL (1041)
- Lansing, MI (52)
- Las Vegas, NV (3785)
- Los Angeles, CA (418)
- Louisville, KY (211)
- Martin-St. Lucie-Okeechobee Counties, FL (566)
- Melbourne, FL (165)
- Merced, CA (54)
- Mercer County, NJ (18)
- Miami-Dade County, FL (112)
- Middlesex County, NJ (152)
- Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN (1056)
- Mobile, AL (61)
- Modesto, CA (122)
- Monmouth County, NJ (120)
- Morris County, NJ (186)
- Myrtle Beach, SC (1129)
- Naples, FL (728)
- Nashville, TN (1257)
- New Haven-Meriden, CT (26)
- Norfolk-Newport News, VA (48)
- Oakland-Alameda, CA (311)
- Ocala, FL (567)
- Ocean City, MD (28)
- Ocean County, NJ (111)
- Olympia, WA (36)
- Orange County, CA (372)
- Orlando, FL (2685)
- Palm Beach County, FL (396)
- Pensacola, FL (45)
- Philadelphia, PA (319)
- Phoenix-Mesa, AZ (4119)
- Portland-Vancouver, OR (265)
- Provo-Orem, UT (121)
- Pueblo, CO (11)
- Punta Gorda, FL (665)
- Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, NC (2332)
- Reno, NV (179)
- Richmond-Petersburg, VA (17)
- Riverside-San Bernardino, CA (2709)
- Sacramento, CA (999)
- Salem, OR (27)
- Salinas, CA (83)
- Salt Lake City-Ogden, UT (119)
- San Antonio, TX (3066)
- San Diego, CA (541)
- San Francisco, CA (43)
- San Jose, CA (237)
- San Luis Obispo, CA (31)
- Santa Barbara, CA (11)
- Santa Cruz, CA (100)
- Santa Fe, NM (100)
- Santa Rosa, CA (39)
- Sarasota-Bradenton, FL (1895)
- Savannah, GA (179)
- Seattle-Bellevue, WA (374)
- Sherman-Denison, TX (194)
- Somerset County, NJ (40)
- South Bend, IN (15)
- Spokane-Couer d Alene, WA (24)
- Stockton-Lodi, CA (454)
- Sussex, DE (551)
- Tacoma, WA (262)
- Tampa-St. Petersburg, FL (2401)
- Tucson, AZ (633)
- Vallejo-Napa, CA (81)
- Ventura, CA (97)
- Visalia, CA (86)
- Washington, DC (1743)
- Wilmington, NC (250)
- Wilmington-Newark, DE (118)
- Worcester, MA (98)
- York, PA (28)
Every builder is rated on four categories:
star-rating Quality
star-rating Value
star-rating Trustworthiness
star-rating Responsiveness

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