- New homes
- Builder Reviews
- Tacoma, WA
Real reviews from real homebuyers.KB Home
"I had a great experience. From chosing the home to closing. The team was flexible ...more "

"The entire Lennar team was so extremely helpful and patient throughout the entire ...more "
Richmond American Homes
"I am writing to express my gratitude and share the wonderful experience I had while ...more "

Shea Homes-Trilogy
"We were treated well throughout the process. We love our new home and so happy to be ...more "
Every builder is rated on four categories:
star-rating Quality
star-rating Value
star-rating Trustworthiness
star-rating Responsiveness

100% of buyers are contacted for a review.
We contact every buyer for the builders in our program. No cherry picking.

Every buyer is fully verified.
We make sure that the buyers are real and the reviews are authentic.

Builders don't pay us to participate.
To ensure the integrity of TrustBuilder, builder involvement is 100% free.
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